The Liminal Space



Caity Duffus


Saturday, February 11th


11:30AM – 2:30PM



The Liminal Space is a 3 hour opportunity to be held in the fertile soil of the space in between.

To get comfortable, creative and contemplative in life’s sacred transitions.

Transitions are a natural part of life, we will all be experiencing many as we read these very words, but how often do we honour them?

How often do we allow ourselves time to reflect on what has been? integrating + absorbing the wisdom and the learnings, before taking our next steps?

How often do we allow ourselves the space to purposely ponder our future, and where we desire to take it?  Infusing what we’ve learnt from the past, and intentionally weaving it into our chosen future?

The answer is: not nearly enough. 

Whether you are transitioning through relationships, friendships, creative projects, environments, children going to school, moving out, inner seasons, or from 2022 to 2023.  

We invite you to join Caity Duffus, a Yoga Teacher and a multi passionate creative, as she holds space for you to simply be, breathe and purposefully ponder.

Caity invites you to arrive exactly as you are, with or without any idea of where you’re going, and allow yourself to melt into a deeply supportive Yin + Breathwork practice to both clear and ground your body, before sitting in a creative ceremony of guided drawing + Art Therapy.


Restorative Yoga


Art Therapy

Art supplies

There will be no group sharing, so there is no need to come in with a specific thing you’ve moving through, simply a desire to be held as you rest, digest and conceive the future.

Receive the rest, wisdom + perspective shift your craving, and allow yourself to intentionally move forward into your next season.

Everyone is welcome, no Yoga or Art experience required.

Saturday, 11th February
11.30am - 2.30pm (3 hours)

Upcominghelen wileks