Winter Challenge



August 1st - August 21st

Free Challenge

21 day Practice Challenge

12 classes in 21 days.

Devote yourself to your practice, your body and your life.

Yoga has a potent way of reuniting us with the beauty of life, and the things that really matter within it.


It has a potent way shifting density in our body, untruths in our mind and putter a (loving) firecracker up our backsides to truly LIVE our lives.

This challenge has been designed to encourage you onto your mat and into the arms of Yoga, as it reminds you to live intentionally, bravely and as if every single day we’re a sacred ceremony.

To support us in emerging out of winter feeling inspired, connected and ready to sew some transformational life seeds in spring. 

Simply complete 12 classes in 21 days, and you'll go into a draw to win a luxurious massage. 

Sign up below, and mark your classes off on the chalk door as you go.

We kick off August 1st.
Sign up essential. 


FREE for members 
$200 for everyone else ( includes a 21 day Yoga pass)

Upcominghelen wileks