Conscious Conversation - June Edition



Helen Wilkes


Sunday, June 25th


7pm – 9pm



Join us this winter as we bring back a Collaborative classic: Conscious Conversation.

Conscious conversation is an evening of captivating cinematography, soul enriching story telling, and the opportunity to have a conversation that touches + feeds a part of us that is desperate to be fed.


Gathering in a warm + cosy Collaborative, we will dive into June’s movie + conversation peice;  ‘Human by Yann Arthus-Bertrand’ will set the scene.

Human is a critically acclaimed documentary that brings together utterly *breathtaking* footage of the planet we live on, with asking some of life’s biggest soul searching questions to 1000’s of different people across the world. From rubbish collectors in India, to cancer survivors in America, to the indigenous peoples of Australia, to prisoners in Spain, Human captures humanity in a sober, and deeply touching way.

Human asks questions such as:

What is love?
Why are we at war?
Why do we destroy the earth?

This piece of extraordinary cinema will have you roaring with laughing, crying with love, and witnessing the depth and breadth of what it means to be Human.

Pre the film you’ll be guided into a short meditation before being asked to ponder the same questions asked in the film. We will gather together to share what came up for us personally, whilst delighting in hearing (okay being nosy) with what these questions mean to the strangers (who’ll become friends) we’re sharing the evening with.

We will then kick back into our seats, popcorn in hand and a hot drink in the other and soak up the beauty of this stunning film projected on the collab walls.

Post the film we will regroup for a conscious conversation, led by Emily, you can expect some deep community connection, thought provoking reflections and an opportunity to gather together and actually have a conversation that goes deeper then ‘ what’s your name and what do you do?’

Conscious Conversation is for anyone who wants an evening that goes deeper then the surface, that wants be moved by  questions, film and people that will provoke a different level of personal inquiry, it’s for those who want to connect with other soul seekers who live where they do.

This event always moves me and expands me so deeply, I highly recommend everyone clear the calender and join us.

Sunday June 25th.
$39 including popcorn and drink.


Bring your roomie, your bestie, your lover, or your work BFF.

You don’t need to be a member.

Book through mindbody or here:

helen wileks