A Journey into Sacred Sound with Helen Wilkes



Helen Wilkes


Friday, June 16th


7pm – 9pm



Join Helen for an evening of sacred sound, devotional singing and a journey of letting go of the old sh*t, to sew seeds for the new magical Af sh*t.

Gathering together inside the safe + loving walls of The Collaborative, we will open our hearts, release all the stories + emotions that are holding us back, and anchor in the desires+ vibrations that will propel us forward into the future. (The one were frothing for)

The night will include:

- Opening Dharma from Helen

- Journaling 

- Letting go + setting intentions ceremony.

- Sound Healing journey with live singing.

- Hands on assists.

- Time & Space for you to just be

- Sharing circle.

Through ceremony, we will dive deep into the heart and take time to tune into what you are truly longing to release from your past. What is holding you back? what is keeping you stuck? what do you desire to be free from?

Writing a letter to the stories that once served you, we will physically release them through movement and ceremony before diving into the sound healing. 

Setting ourselves up in our fav yoga pose Savasana (aka laying down all snug & warm) ready to be immersed in the sounds of crystal bowls, sacred instruments and soothing vocals that will transform you to another realm of deep healing and relaxation.

We will then move into setting powerful intentions, pulling cards and spend time anchoring into our desires for the future.

This sacred evening will be a powerful time to release anything you have been holding onto and to make space for new beginnings and manifestations. Through surrendering to the sound, you will be able to rest, reset and allow the process of release to unfold naturally.

This experience can have a powerful and profound effect on your whole self, creating shifts within that you might not even know you needed.

Prepare to be deeply moved, and make space for the future you are craving.

The majority of the practice you will be laying down, so please where something comfortable and warm, so you are as relaxed as possible. 

Bring a water bottle, pen, journal and a crystal or anything that is dear to your heart for the altar.

helen wileks