Myofascial release for runners



Reiku Morello


Saturday, June 10th


11.30am – 1pm



Are you a runner?

Do you often experience lead legs? like no matter how much you stretch, the tightness or tension won't fully go away?

Maybe it's the day after your run, maybes it's for the first few hours post waking up?

Whenever it is, we wanna teach you some really EASY ways for you to release the tightness that builds up! Nope you don't have to do hours of Yoga, or be flexible, you just need a tennis ball and the knowledge of how to release different muscles when you use it.

That's what this workshop is about! We'll not only target hamstrings, but all of the parts of legs, including the hip flexors, quads and soles of your feet. (Hello planterfascia)

MyoFascial release works on different trigger points within the body to give a deep release (deeper than the muscle) that unwinds the connective tissue, and shifts any stagnant energy that's been built up in the area.

Giving you plenty of take home tools, using just a tennis ball + myofascial release, so that you can do it at home whenever you feel like, especially pre or post your runs.

Upcominghelen wileks