Myofascial release for tight shoulders and neck



Reiku Morello


Saturday, May 13th


11.30am – 1pm



Do you experience tightness, tension or pain in your shoulders / neck?

Are you someone who is constantly hunching over the shoulders, typing like maniac, checking your phone all the time, and generally feeling like you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders? ( lol, all of us)

We feel you baby! and we wanna teach you some really easy ways to release the pain + stiffness that builds up in these areas.

Using the potent power of the humble tennis ball, and MyoFascial release this workshop with Reiku will teach you how to release your neck and shoulders every single day at home, or whenever you see the tension begin to rise.

MyoFascial release works on different trigger points within the body to give a deep release (deeper then the muscle) that unwinds the connective tissue, and shifts any stagnant energy that's been built up in the area.

You will leave feeling so much softer in your shoulders, so much lighter in your neck, and so much more relaxed in your body.

This is not a Yoga class, you don't need experience or any 'flexibility', you simply need a body to join us!

Grab your dad, brother, friend, cousin or Aunty and let's all experience more ease in our bodies.

Upcominghelen wileks