Mindfulness Masterclass



Emily Beale


Sunday, March 26th


11am – 1pm



Mindfulness- what is it, and why do we want more of it in our lives?!

I shall be bold here and say that most of us spend an inordinate amount of time in our heads, dwelling on the past, or catastrophizing about the future.

We have our heads buried into our phones, the latest release on Netflix, or simply in the distraction of other people are doing.

Sounds familiar right? and whilst much of this is very human of us, it is also robbing us of being open, receptive and present for the lives we have worked so hard to build. Of our minds allowing our bodies to absorb so much of the beauty that surrounds us: The loving touch of a partner, the stories from our children, the magic of a sunrise or the delicious taste of our morning coffee.

An amazing skill to cultivate more presence and receptivity in our lives is mindfulness- a way to anchor us into the present and stop feeding those thoughts that take up far too much real estate in our heads!

Best of all, the skills we need are already within us, and they are our senses!

Spend two hours with Emily, learning how to use your sight, smell, sound and touch to get into the present moment.

To lessen the distractions in your mind, and open yourself up to the beauty that surrounds you in your life (because truly, there is so much that you are missing)

DATE + TIME: Sunday March 26th, 11AM - 1PM


This will be a laid back, fun workshop that will bring an interactive approach to mindfulness.

Expect to walk away with simple practices to use daily, a ton more insight, and best of all - the skill to be with more of the good stuff in your everyday life.

Upcominghelen wileks