Chakra 101



Jess Fench


Friday 20th August


6:45 – 8:45pm


Members $50 | Non-Members $55

*Members discount applies to this workshop


Exploring the subtle body through the Chakras.

Chakras are energetic centres within the body, centres that correlate to everything from different Yoga poses, how you feel emotionally to how you are showing up in your life.

Understanding these centres and what they correlate to can teach you too

  • Self regulates your energy & emotions off of the mat and in the heart of life.

  • Teach you how to harness your energy and start consciously directing it more powerfully in life.

  • Give you a deeper awareness of why you're feeling how your feeling in certain situations.

  • Give you the power to move from reaction to responding in trigger situations.

Join Jess and understand these subtle energies within the body that cannot be seen, only felt, and how these can affect our state of being. 

Learn how we can use breath and the yoga practice to balance our physical body and emotions. 


  • This will be a felt experience, allowing you to drop into a deeper sensory state.

  • We will explore each Chakra through our yin yoga practice as a way to bring ourselves towards balance.

  • You will be guided through a meditation to find equilibrium between the physical and energetic state

This is great for anyone wanting to dive into the more energetic, and subtler states of the Yoga practice.

This is for anyone who wants to move through the world feeling more powerful and self assured.

This is for anyone who wants to strengthen their energy.

No experience necessary, come as you are.

helen wileks