Yin & Myofascial release



Reiku Morello


Friday 30th July


6:45 – 8:45pm


Members $50 | Non Members $55

*Members discount applies to this workshop.

"Everything is connected"

You might hear this a lot in the yoga world, and you might think it's cliche... But it's so true for our body!

Fascia or connective tissue as it's often called is such an amazing body part, it literally connects everything to everywhere inside our body.

When one part of our fascia becomes tight, dry, damaged, it affects everywhere else in oour body.

During this workshop with Reiku you'll get to explore and learn:

  • what fascia is all about

  • How the fascia network is connected in our body

  • How it affects not only our physical state, but also our emotional and mental states.

  • How to work with fascia to support recovery, healing and overall well-being.

Yin yoga is a wonderful invitation for you to look within. When everything in our life runs 100kmh, it's so vital for us to create space to slow down, pause so that you can actually begin to communicate with your body. With long held yin yoga poses, you'll get to listen to the messages your body is sending you.

Combining these two practices can be a great tool for you to invite more ease in your body and perhaps, in your life, too.

*Member's discount applies to this workshop

helen wileks